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Plumbing Checklist For Home Buyers

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We don’t have to tell you that buying a home is a huge investment – it’s usually the biggest investment you’ve ever made! That’s why we recommend you get a whole home plumbing inspection done by your trusty plumbers (hey, that’s us!).

Sure, the home inspector will go through the home and find a lot of the flaws. But, we’ve seen more than a couple cases where there were plumbing issues that should have been found, but weren’t.

Not only is that scary, who knows what could be going on in those pipes, but it’s a missed opportunity. Knowing what kind of pipes and drains you have, and what condition they’re in can be a very useful negotiation tool.

To avoid any surprises down the road, inspect these three things before purchasing a home.

Main sewer line

It’s always a good idea to have a plumber perform a camera inspection on the main sewer line. Not only will it alert you of any clogs, but it can show you the overall condition of the line. If your line is severely deteriorated, this inspection will make you aware of a hidden, costly issue.

Water heater

The rule of thumb is that a water heater will last about ten years. Granted, that estimate is dependant on the water quality, how the heater is being used, maintenance, and installation. For example, if it heats your home and delivers hot water to all of your faucets, there’s a good chance it won’t make it a full ten years.

Having a plumber inspect the water heater to see what condition it’s in and if it’s a good fit for your water needs is a must. A lot of times, families will downsize their water heater after the kids move out, because they’re using less water. So, it’s important to ensure the home’s water heater will meet your family’s needs.


A lot of toilets leak at the base. It’s an insignificant problem most of the time, except for when the issue persists. Over time, it can cause serious damage and in some cases, it can make your floor rot.

Luckily, identifying a leaky toilet base is fairly simple:

  1. Look for discoloration or warping around the toilet base.
  2. With your foot, check if the floor moves or feels soft at the base.
  3. Check to see if the toilet bowl will rock from side to side. If it does, it signals that the seal is bad, the toilet isn’t properly secured to the flange, or the flange itself isn’t secured.

We’re not trying to scare you out of buying a home. In fact, we’re trying to inform and empower you. If you have a house you’d like us to inspect or any additional questions, just give us a call!

Plumbing 101: Tips Every Homeowner Should Know

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Welcome to Plumbing 101! If you’ve resolved to become handier around the house this year, then you’re in luck. We’ve compiled some tips that we think every homeowner should know.

Lesson number one, identify this object:


  1. Chair
  2. Desk
  3. Toilet
  4. Invention of the future

Just kidding, we know you know what a toilet is. You chose option C, right?

In all seriousness, here are the real Plumbing 101 tips:

When in doubt, shut off the water valve.

The last thing you want is to do while performing maintenance is to make things worse by creating a mess, or worse, causing water damage. If you’re working on your plumbing, shut off the valve to that area of the house as a precaution.

Locate the valve for your toilet before you need to use it.

One of the most common issues we see is the good, ol’ overflowing toilet. If you’re unable to stop the water from sloshing out all over your floor, you may be looking at some pretty costly water damage.

Luckily, every toilet has an emergency shut-off valve near it. Many times, it’s located on the wall near the lower half of your toilet. Find it? Good, now commit it to memory in case you ever need to use it.

Find your home’s main water valve.

This one kind of goes hand-in-hand with what we just said. Ideally, you want to know where these things are before you need to use them.

Know how to fix a dripping faucet.

Often, dripping faucets can be fixed by simply replacing the washer. To do so, remove the faucet handle cap and use a socket wrench to remove the valve from the faucet.

Do you see the faucet washer now? Great, take the old one out of there and replace with a new one. Screw everything on, and you’re good to go.

But wait, did you remember to shut of the water to that area of the house before working on the faucet? If not, you better get in the habit of doing so. Trust us, it will save you in the long run.

These are just a few tips to get you going. Expect to see more posts like this in the future, we have a couple more tips up our sleeves.
We sincerely believe that everyone should know how to do simple plumbing tasks. But don’t worry, we’re always here for the tasks you can’t handle on your own.